Thursday, July 02, 2020

Dr. Sakunthala devi. Wonder Women🙏🙏🙏 When Albert Einstein was alive she was giving her demonstration in front of him. And her demonstration was strange. She would sit with a chalk in her hand before the board: you would ask any kind of question about mathematics or arithmetic, and you would not have even finished the question and she would have started writing the answer. Albert Einstein gave her a certificate and said "I asked this woman a question which I take three hours to solve because I have to follow a whole method; I cannot just jump from the question to the answer. I know that nobody can do it in less time than I can, and that is three hours. Others may take even six hours hours or more, but I can do it in three hours because I have done it before. But the whole procedure has to be followed. If you miss even a single step...." The figures were so big that it took the whole board for her to write the answer. And before he had even finished the question, she started writing the answer. He was puzzled, absolutely puzzled because it was impossible. He asked, "How do you do it?" She said, "I don't know how I do it -- it simply happens. You ask me and figures start appearing before my eyes, somewhere inside. I can see 1, 2, 3, and I just go on writing."

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