Thursday, March 29, 2018

"One of the Bhagavad Gita Arjuna is depressed Inspiration 1: The insider said: - Sanjaya, what have my sons and Pandu brothers done to fight the Kurukshetra Temple in the holy place? Volume 2: Sanjayan said, "O king, you see the army that the Pandu Brothers set up, and the Diorodhana Maharaj told the Acharya. And look at this great Pandav army, Drupada, who is your disciple and intellectual. Volume 4: In the army, the Yitzhuban, Viratan, Drupadaan, lying at the beggars. Volume 5: There are also soldiers of the valiant warriors, such as the Wisdom, the Scythian, the King of Kings, the Purushijat, the Kunthian and the Shaivite. Volume 6: The warrior Yudhaman, the mighty Umrah, Subhadra Puran and the Draupadi's children are also on the battlefield. All these are the great ones. Speak 7: Brahmanotama, I will tell you the commanders who are worthy to lead my army. Awk 8: You are the victors in battle, you have Bhishma, Karna, kruthan, ashtama maavu, vishna, and monotheism son of Somadetha. 9: There are still many heroes who have come to build their lives for me. They are holding different weapons and are familiar with the struggle. Volume 10: Increase is our army. It is safe to have the grandfather Bhishma Ram. But the Pandavas, which are huge giants, are very limited. Speak 11: All of you must be fully supported by your future wife by remaining in the armies in the army. 12. Then the wicked and wicked ruler, Bhishma Duryodhyan, blew his cheek by making a loud voice like the lion's voice to make him happy. 13 So the sound of Shankh, Chenda, Hadam and Trumpet sounded. On the battlefield Section 14: On the other hand, the Krishnarjunas filled their divine chains with a white horse. Voice 15: Krishna Bhagwan Panchajanya is the Shakha Utoyi; Arjunan davadatham, truculent crown prince and giant pearl pandan were also scattered. Shukol 16-18: Shamq Uauti, the one who is the Uthirishthiran of Kuntheep; The numismatic expressions include the poet's poems, the poet Kasi Raja, the great Shikondi, the Dhrishtideuman, Viradan, the defeat of the Pandiyata Satyaki, the Dupadan, the Draupadi sons and the Mahabhavan Subhadraathran. Volume 19: This vociferous song from different giants has relied on earth and atmosphere. The heart of the innocent sons was split. Volume 20: O king, the son of Pandah the son of Hanam, the son of Hanuman; With the help of the bow, the bow was ready to bend, and on the other side, looked at the toughness and said to Krishnan. "

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